The castle of Otranto and other sights

The Castle of Otranto and other sights

The Castle of Otranto …and other sights Horace Walpole had never set foot in Puglia, when he wrote the first Gothic novel in 1768 and made the real Castle of Otranto a must see.

piazza in Italy

Sitting on a piazza in Italy

There is nothing as interesting and entertaining as sitting in a piazza in Italy watching the games people play in the public living room.

White city Ostuni

The blinding white city Ostuni

The white city Ostuni near Brindisi in Puglia is the kind of place that sticks in your memory like a vision.

Picture of procession during Easter in Italy

Pictures of Easter in Italy

The Holy Week is a period packed with local rites and traditions, as these pictures of Easter in Italy seek to show.

shepherds in Italy

Shepherds in Italy

Goats are funny, inventive, loving and entertaining animals that can be used for a lot of things. That makes goat farming in Italy popular. But not among olive growers.