Lauria in Basilicata

Lauria in Basilicata

Lauria in Basilicata The town that thought it was invincible Lauria in Basilicata had the location, the population and the political and religious institutions to be one of the main cities in region, but it turned out to be more vulnerable than anyone had imagined.

Pollino National Park

Pollino National Park in Basilicata

Few tourists find their way to Pollino – on of the large national parks Italy. A great pity considering the interesting sights and attractions in the area.

attractions of Maratea - Italian Notes

Attractions of Maratea

One of the attractions of Maratea is a Christ statue second in size only to the one in Brazil. It marks the only Basilicata town on the Tyrrhenian coast.

Red aubergines – Basilicata’s strange fruits

In Rotonda, special micro climate and unique soil enable farmers to grow red aubergines originating in Africa.