Saltimbocca veal scallops

Saltimbocca alla Romana
Saltimbocca veal  alla Romana are scallops stuffed with ham and mozzarella and one of the best dishes ever invented.

Saltimbocca ‘jumps into the mouth’ as one of the most simple and loved Italian meat dishes. It is also a dish with numerous variations. Some claims authentic Saltimbocca alla Romana should be made with boiled ham and no cheese. Others prefer cheese and dried ham. Some fry the scallops in butter, while others choose olive oil. And then there are those who braise the meat in white wine to ensure extra sauce.

I prefer this recipe, though I am not quite sure who to credit for the invention. Probably it is coined from several different cookbooks, but it is really good and incredibly fast cooked. And it always reminds me of my Italian sage bush, which flowers with purple-bluish bells over dusted soft green leaves every early in the spring.

Serves 4
4 veal scallops
4 slices of prosciutto crudo
1 mozzarella in four pieces
Sage leaves, salt and pepper

Spice one side of the meat with salt, pepper and sage.

Wrap a piece of mozzarella in prosciutto. Place the cheese/ham filling on the veal and fasten with a toothpick (or three). Prepare the other scallops the same way.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry both sides of the veal over moderately high heat until they are done and golden brown. Hopefully, the mozzarella will stay inside.

If you wish more sauce than a scarpette dipping, you can boil off the frying pan with dry white wine.

Serve with bread.

saltimbocca veal

Other delicious veal recipes:

Stuffed veal rollups

Meat rolls from Marche

Veal scallops in marsala

Veal scallops with mushrooms

Stuffed breast of veal

4 replies
  1. Francesca
    Francesca says:

    And did you know that originally Saltimbocca are from Vicenza? But of course everyone has forgotten about that and Rome claims the birth of this great dish! I love them with carciofi alla giudea!! Ahh….amazing!

  2. Mette
    Mette says:

    No I thought it was from Rome, but I guess its like the scallopini milanese that might be from Vienna. These origins are hard to track. But what a great idea to combine saltimbocca with artichokes.

  3. Frank
    Frank says:

    Authentic Saltimbocca alla Romana is NOT made with mozzarella! It’s veal, prosciutto and sage, basta cosi! This must be a British thing.


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