Visiting the Barolo Villages - Italian Notes

Visiting the Barolo Villages

The Palatine Gate in Turin

Things to see in Asti Pasticceria

Things to see in Asti

Things to see in Asti Two four-letter towns beginning with an A compete for attention in Southern Piedmont, and both have a lot to offer. Here’s my list of things to see in Asti.

Vercelli PIazza Cavour

Vercelli and the River of Bone

Vercelli and the River of Bone On the surface Vercelli is a industrious patchwork of old and new buildings, but beneath the city there is a river of bone.

Photo of rice fields in Italy

Among rice fields in Italy

Paddy fields are mostly found in Asia, but you can travel among rice fields in Italy. We followed the rice route to waterscapes in landlocked Piedmont.